Badda – locked. Padmasana -Lotus posture.
Benefits: This asana helps in strengthening the hands, strengthening and straightening the spine, opening up the chest muscles and in deepening the breathing. It energises the internal organs, stomach, reproductory organs, small and large intestines, reduces fat around the waist and releases tension from the shoulders, upper back and middle back regions.
Process: Sit in Padmasana with both heels touching the pelvic region.
Cross your hands behind your back and try to get hold of the right foot with left hand and the left foot with right hand.
Hold the chin up.
Feel the stretch in your shoulders, back, hands and spinal column.
Be aware of your breathing.
Remain in this position for as long as you are comfortable.
Release your hands from the toes and relax. Please refer to picture.
Caution: People with back, shoulder or knee injuries should do this asana with caution or under supervision.
Badda Padmasana in Himalayas