Shodana means purifying.
Nadi Shodana Pranayama is the technique of purifying the nadis.
Nadi Shodana Pranayama is the technique of purifying the nadis.
- Purifies the nadis.
- As nadis are purified, the energy level in the body increases and the breathing deepens.
- When the nadis are cleansed, we are able to hear the anahata sound (inner sound).
- This harmonises the blood pressure which in turn relaxes the mind.
- The relaxed mind expands and intuition dawns in an expanded mind.
- This leads to the opening up of Vijnanamaya kosha.
- In Vijananmaya kosha intuition starts working and we get flashes of inspiration which leads us to the anandamaya kosha.
- When the mind is expanded we are able to tap into our bliss within.
- Sit in Siddasana, Padmasana (lotus posture), Ardha Padmasana (half lotus posture) or Vajrasana If you cannot sit on the floor you can sit on a chair.
- Keep your body, head and neck in one line.
- Hold the chin up.
- Use only your thumb and ring finger to close the right and left nostrils.
- The thumb indicates the fire element and this is used to close the right nostril.
- The right nostril represents Surya (Sun) nadi (pingala nadi).
- The ring finger represents the earth element and this is used to close the left nostril.
- The left nostril represents Chandra (the moon) nadi (ida nadi).
- Bend the index and middle fingers of your right hand into vayu shoonya mudra.
- Bending the index and middle fingers to vayu and shoonya mudra alleviates body pain and joint pain, strengthens the heart muscles and reduces ear ache.
- Bring the left thumb and left index finger together in chin mudra on your left knee.
- With the right hand thumb close the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril to the count of 10.
- Feel the expansion in the abdomen and lungs as you inhale.
- With the right hand ring finger close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril to the count of 15.
- Feel the contraction in the chest and stomach as you exhale.
- Inhale through the right nostril to the count of 10 keeping the left nostril closed with the right ring finger
- Exhale through the left nostril for the count of 15 keeping the right nostril closed using the thumb.
- This is one round.
- Do 10 rounds of alternate nostril breathing and relax.
- Slowly increase the duration to 15 minutes or longer and feel the serenity in the mind.