Patanjali Yoga Sutra – 1.31

The simultaneous experience along with the distractions are the pain, mental agitation, tremor of limbs and irregular breathing. ||1.31 ||

The nine obstacles to sadhana as mentioned in the previous sutra – distractions of the mind caused by the disease, dullness, doubt, negligence, sloth, over-indulgence, imaginary ideation, inability to reach the milestone and instability lead to four afflictions in the physical, mental and breath levels. 

On the physical level, they trouble us with restless limbs, and one will not be at ease on the physical level.  In the breath level, these impediments lead to erratic breathing which affects one physically and mentally.  On the mental level, they bring in sorrow, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

Patanjali urges us to address the nine obstacles to sadhana so that we can be at ease in the physical, breath and mental levels.