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Yoga Retreat during Easter Break

We are proud to announce our 2nd Yoga Retreat programme. This time it will be one day retreat in pristine Yarra Ranges on April 16th 2017. You can all the details in the brochure below. Please call and book a spot today.

7th Surya Yajna – A Report

The Annual Surya Yajna in the serene Dandenong Ranges was a roaring success.

We had more participation than all other previous events. Under perfect weather conditions, the event started exactly at 5:30am. Since the sky was clear we had the opportunity to see millions of the stars in all their glory as we awaited the rise of single most important star, The Sun.

As we began the Surya Yajna, we collectively invoked the Grace of the Lord in the Sun we all experienced the bliss and joy. It was divine experience to witness the glorious Sun Rise as we concluded the 151 rounds of Surya Namaskara.

Click here to view some beautiful photos from the event.
We would like to thank all the participants to make this a great make this a great celebration.

7th Surya Yajna at Olinda National Park

Below is the information on the upcoming free Surya Namaskara Event. This time we are hosting it up in the serene mountains of Dandenong Ranges in Olinda.

The benefits of Surya Namaskara are mentioned in scriptures like Valmiki Ramayana, Mahabharata and other scriptures. Surya Namaskara is a process of invoking the Grace of the Lord through sun. Sun is the most brilliant gross object we all can see. When we see this brilliant sun, we should be reminded of most replesent Lord who gave this brilliance to the sun. SuryaNamaskara signifies the “Path of Light”. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad summarises the significance of Surya Namaskara as-

asatomaa sadgamaya
tamasomaa jyotirgamaya
mrtyormaa amritamgamaya 

Lead us from imperfection to Perfection, from darkness to Light, from death to Immortality.

The brochure below has all the details about the event. We look forward for your participation.

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Shri. Rajendra Yenkannamoole in India

Shri. Rajendra Yenkannamoole, Founder of Vasudeva Kriya Yoga, is in India until February 3rd 2017 and he will be conducting Yoga Classes as per the following schedule.

Amruta Yoga Kendra, Girinagar: From 16 Jan 2017: Mornings 6:00 to 8:00 AM
Vidya Peeta, Bengaluru: From 15 Jan 2017: Evening 6:30-7:30 PM
Udupi Shri Krishna Temple: Jan 21 and 22 2017
Interested people can reach Shri. Rajendra on +91 9740183506 for more information.

Yoga at Sri Durga Temple

Vasudeva Kriya Yoga recently conducted an introductory Yoga session at Sri Durga Temple in Rockbank to introduce Yoga to Western Suburbs.

We would like to thank the Temple Commitee for allowing us conduct the session in the Temple.

Here are some pictures from the class.

2nd International Day of Yoga – A Report

19th June 2016 – Spingers Leisure Centre

Following the tremendous success at the 1st International Day of Yoga celebrations last year, Vasudeva Kriya Yoga hosted the 2nd International Day of Yoga celebrations this year on the 19th of June 2016. VMC and our many generous sponThe Federation of Indian Associations of Victoria Inc (FIAV), FIMO, FIMDV and the Confederation of Indian Associations of Australia (CIAA) lent their moral support to the event. Once again this year the event drew an overwhelming attendance from Yoga enthusiasts across all walks of life.

The day’s event commenced auspiciously with communal Bhagawat Gita Chanting.

This was followed by 108 Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) accompanied with vedic chants.

The students of Swara Sadhana Music School presented the International Day of Yoga Song. This song was specially written for the event by Shri. Suryanarayana Saripalle and was composed by Smt. Sundari Saripalle.

Further events included kids yoga performance, thematic music, asana, pranayama and meditation.

The guests of honor were

  • Hon Nicholas (Nick) Wakeling: Shadow Minister for Education
  • Garry Spencer: Liberal candidate, Vasan Srinivas: (FIAV) President
  • Chidambaram Srinivasan: VMC Commissioner.

The Speakers at the event were

  • Rajendra Yenkannamoole – Founder Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
  • Larissa Gita – Senior teacher Yoga In Daily Life
  • Christine Westbury – Brahma Kumari
  • Dr. Sanjay Raghav – Neurologist
  • Dr. Arun Dhir – Gastro Intestinal Surgeon

The IDY theme is “Yoga for harmony and peace”. Yoga is one of the main means to achieve Harmony and Peace in the community. Through yoga Vasudeva Kriya Yoga aims at reducing the health cost liabilities on the community and promote social harmony through harnessing (Physical, Mental and Spiritual) health in the community.

Vasudeva Kriya Yoga along with the event sponsors offered this event as a FREE gift to the community to encourage open participation. Participation brings in first-hand experience. Experience opens up higher possibility for adopting Yoga as a life-style, leading towards health, harmony and peace.

What Breathing taught me about Life?

By Sanjiv Kulkarni

As we were doing our routine breathing exercises during our yoga class today I had an epiphany about life. Our teacher practices at least 2 types of Pranayama or Breathing exercises per class. In this class we did Nadi Shodhana Pranayama which involves single nostril breathing; you breath in through one nostril only for the count of 10 as you close the other nostril. Then you close the open nostril and breathe out through the other nostril to the count of 15. One can then continue this breathing for another 10 times. This form of Pranayama has multiple benefits like harmonising the right and left brain and also harmonising the mind.

The other Pranayama we always practice is our signature Vasudeva Kriya Yoga – which is an AsanaKriya, and Pranayama all in one. The Pranayama part consists of Breathing through both nostrils but in a disproportionate manner – breathe in to the sound a long Om, and exhale to the sound of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.

As we were doing the Vasudeva Kriya Yoga it hit me today. We breathe out more than we breathe in. If we consciously observe our breathing that is how we naturally breathe. That is also what helps us relax after a strenuous round of sport, exercise or even Yogasanas (as we relax in Shavasana). We inhale short deep breathes and exhale long breathes to relax instantly! Additionally it helps exhale a lot of suppressed impurities from our lungs, soothe our nerves, and maintain our blood pressure. This is the best known way to relax ourselves when we are stressed or nervous. Observe yourself sometimes in the middle of a tense meeting or a busy day, you would have slipped to very shallow or sometimes no breathing. Switch to Pranayama breathing and you will relax instantly.

As this thought lingered in my mind another interesting point hit me. Life is also like this… it expects more output than the input we receive. You are happier and relaxed if you offer more as service to your church (or any religious institution), your family, your friends than what you expect from others. In fact, interestingly even your employer expects more output from you than the salary they pay you.

In fact it is better that way, because if they discover they pay you more than what they get from you then they would probably let you go.

So do take some time off to practice any of these Pranayama / Breathing techniques daily to expel all toxins from your body and life, stay elevated and relaxed!