3rd International Day of Yoga – A Report

Vasudeva Kriya Yoga celebrated their 10th Annual Yoga conference on June 18th 2017, the 3rd in a row coinciding with the International Day of Yoga.  It is a unique conference in Melbourne that endeavours to share the benefits of Yoga as experienced by practitioners from various professional backgrounds. This year the Keynote was delivered by the world famous Dr. Ian Gawler, a cancer survivor for close to 40 years, he has started a globally famous foundation promoting alternate forms of treatment.

The day started at 7.30 AM sharp with a round of Yoga practice and 51 Suryanamaskaras.

The conference was officially inaugurated by the dignitaries including Honourable Inga Peulich – Victorian Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Dr. Ian Gawler, Prof. Marc Cohen, Dr. Sanjay Raghav, Dr Vicki Kotsirilos, and our founder of VKY Shri Rajendra.

Our distinguished guests shared some amazing incidents and learnings from their personal and professional lives that demonstrated the benefits of Alternative medicine and Yoga.

The theme for our conference was Illness to Wellness – and Rajendra ji very aptly introduced the concept of Wellness through Yoga. A healthy society is a happy society and a lesser burden on Medicare system. The essence of Illness to Wellness is to move from I to We – think as a group or community, share our learnings with the society, act for the wellbeing of the society and we will all move towards wellness. And Dr. Gawler is a living examples of moving from Illness to Wellness – he has successfully kept cancer at bay for close to 40 years, which is more than half his life! He lost his leg to cancer, but not his determination!

Rajendra’s students range from 4 years old to 80 years old. And the audience witnessed some Yoga asanas both from kids as well as 80 year old student (Nerghis ji). It was quite heartening to see the 84 year old mother (Eva Cohen) of Prof. Cohen sportively come on stage and share her gains from Yoga and demonstrate a few asanas. Yoga is indeed the recipe to stay young and healthy at all times.


We also celebrated the International Day of Yoga at the Victorian Parliament, Durga Temple in Rockbank and Sri Venkata Krishna Brundavana in Murrumbeena.

Vasudeva Kriya Yoga’s motto is Jeevema Sharadarshatam! Let us all live healthily in body, ming and soul for 100 years! We urge you to practice Yoga and share this message of wellness with your family and friends. You can find more details about our classes below.

Report by Sanjiv Kulkarni

Class Notes – 20th May 2017 – Rowville

Date: 20th May 2017

Location: Rowville

In today’s class, Rajendraji elaborated upon the Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.30 which explains Nine obstacles in the path of Yoga Sadhana.

  • vyaadi – Illness of the body
  • staanya – Illness of the mind
  • samshaya – Doubt
  • pramaada – Unknowingly treading the wrong path 
  • aalasya – Laziness
  • avirati – Too much of indulgence
  • bhrantidarshana – Hallucination
  • aalabdha bhoomikatva – No consistency
  • avasthi tatvaani – Instability

Please watch the video for explanation of each of the nine obstacles.

Rajendraji then guided us to perform asana and 15 rounds of Surya Namaskara followed by Yoga Nidra.

During Pranayama phase of the class, Rajendraji spoke about Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

We concluded the class by practising Mudra and Bandha along with Vasudeva Kriya Yoga.


Yoga Retreat during Easter Break

We are proud to announce our 2nd Yoga Retreat programme. This time it will be one day retreat in pristine Yarra Ranges on April 16th 2017. You can all the details in the brochure below. Please call and book a spot today.

7th Surya Yajna – A Report

The Annual Surya Yajna in the serene Dandenong Ranges was a roaring success.

We had more participation than all other previous events. Under perfect weather conditions, the event started exactly at 5:30am. Since the sky was clear we had the opportunity to see millions of the stars in all their glory as we awaited the rise of single most important star, The Sun.

As we began the Surya Yajna, we collectively invoked the Grace of the Lord in the Sun we all experienced the bliss and joy. It was divine experience to witness the glorious Sun Rise as we concluded the 151 rounds of Surya Namaskara.

Click here to view some beautiful photos from the event.
We would like to thank all the participants to make this a great make this a great celebration.

7th Surya Yajna at Olinda National Park

Below is the information on the upcoming free Surya Namaskara Event. This time we are hosting it up in the serene mountains of Dandenong Ranges in Olinda.

The benefits of Surya Namaskara are mentioned in scriptures like Valmiki Ramayana, Mahabharata and other scriptures. Surya Namaskara is a process of invoking the Grace of the Lord through sun. Sun is the most brilliant gross object we all can see. When we see this brilliant sun, we should be reminded of most replesent Lord who gave this brilliance to the sun. SuryaNamaskara signifies the “Path of Light”. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad summarises the significance of Surya Namaskara as-

asatomaa sadgamaya
tamasomaa jyotirgamaya
mrtyormaa amritamgamaya 

Lead us from imperfection to Perfection, from darkness to Light, from death to Immortality.

The brochure below has all the details about the event. We look forward for your participation.

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Shri. Rajendra Yenkannamoole in India

Shri. Rajendra Yenkannamoole, Founder of Vasudeva Kriya Yoga, is in India until February 3rd 2017 and he will be conducting Yoga Classes as per the following schedule.

Amruta Yoga Kendra, Girinagar: From 16 Jan 2017: Mornings 6:00 to 8:00 AM
Vidya Peeta, Bengaluru: From 15 Jan 2017: Evening 6:30-7:30 PM
Udupi Shri Krishna Temple: Jan 21 and 22 2017
Interested people can reach Shri. Rajendra on +91 9740183506 for more information.

Yoga Retreat at Hare Krishna Valley at the Dawn of the New Year

What a way to farewell 2016 and greet 2017!

Many of us went to the Yoga Retreat during this New year period. This retreat was aimed to “discover yourself.” It was at Sri Krishna’s Otway Retreat, about 90 minutes from Melbourne, set on a 200-acre land with lots of forest land and greenery all around.

We bid adieu to 2016 with 13-14 hrs of various Yoga activities. Sounds daunting, right? We can’t imagine that we participated actively in all the proceedings, didn’t need an afternoon rest or tea/coffee and felt energized all the way through.

In one day we did Asanas, Pranayama, Japa, Kriya, Yoga Nidra multiple times. We also participated in Dhyana, Meditation, chanting peaceful affirmations, Jal-neti, Sandhya Vandana and Kirtan.


During the “Talk on Yoga,” session, Shri Rajendraji gave us practical insights and probing questions which provided clarity of perspective and impetus to establish a healthier routine, – one that positively affirms our lives through the joyfully serene discharge of service to our family, community, and nation.

There was also a communication session conducted by communication coach, Rajeev. The objective of this session was to help participants effectively communicate the enhanced inner clarity.

We started day 2, at 6:30 am, outdoors, with Surya Namaskara. Everyone found this an inspiring and enjoyable experience. We also did another round of Yoga Asana and Pranayama in the morning followed by most of the participants reflecting on the practice of Yoga and the Yoga Retreat experience.

During this extended Yoga period, participants learned about different limbs of Yoga in more details and in an immersed way. Away from all technologies and daily routines, everyone participated single-mindedly in Yoga.

During this period, everyone enjoyed saatvic vegetarian food, cooked in traditional and simple ways. It seems to bring out the natural flavours and tasted delicious. We also sat down on the floor to eat, the traditional Indian way of eating. Everyone washed their dishes after every meal, enjoying the co-operative way of living.

Many also went for Bush walks, visited Indian cows and Vege Gardens.

Considering the popularity and success of this Retreat, watch this space for many more of them to come!!

Yoga at Sri Durga Temple

Vasudeva Kriya Yoga recently conducted an introductory Yoga session at Sri Durga Temple in Rockbank to introduce Yoga to Western Suburbs.

We would like to thank the Temple Commitee for allowing us conduct the session in the Temple.

Here are some pictures from the class.