In this podcast Rajendraji talks about Vilamba Samvatsara: New Year Resolution for a seeker
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Vilamba Samvatsara: New Year Resolution for a seeker
In this podcast Rajendraji talks about Sadhana Steps: Physiology, Psychology and Super Psychology
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Sadhana Steps: Physiology, Psychology and Super Psychology
In this podcast Rajendraji talks about Shradda – Faith and conviction is key to success
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Shradda - Faith and conviction is key to success
In this podcast Rajendraji motivates you to Invoke the best in you through Yoga
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Invoke the best in you through Yoga
In this podcast Rajendraji talks about Pranayama for balancing emotional and rational
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Pranayama for balancing emotional and rational
In this podcast Rajendraji talks about Five Prana and Five Upa Pana and Pranayama
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Five Prana and Five Upa Pana and Pranayama
In this podcast Rajendraji talks about Nine Obstacles in path of Yoga
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Nine Obstacles in the path of Yoga – Part II
In this podcast, Rajendraji talks about Matri, Karuna, Mudita, Upekhna – Art of maintaining a healthy mind while dealing with Society.
Watch the full video on YouTube:
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Matri, Karuna, Mudita, Upekhna - Art of maintaining a healthy mind while dealing with Society
In this podcast, Rajendraji talks about Nine Obstacles in the Path of Yoga.
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Nine Obstacles In the Path of Yoga
In this podcast, Rajendraji talks about the relationship between Life Span and Pranayama.
Vasudeva Kriya Yoga
Life Span and Pranayama