
utkata means intense, also means chair or seat

This asana increases body strength and balance. It strengthens the calf, thigh, hamstring, buttock and back muscles. It also energizes the kidneys and pancreas and releases tension from the shoulder muscles.

  • Stand upright with big toes together.
  • Keep your body, neck and head in upright line.
  • With inhalation raise your hands up and bring the palms together.
  • Bring the biceps close to the ears keeping elbows straight.
  • As you exhale bend your knees and try to bring your thighs parallel to the ground while looking upwards at the palms.
  • Keep the back muscles vertical.
  • Be aware of your breathing and remain in this position for as long as you can.
  • With inhalation straighten the body and relax.
  • Repeat 3 times.

People with back or knee injuries should do this asana with caution.