By Sanjiv Kulkarni
As we were doing our routine breathing exercises during our yoga class today I had an epiphany about life. Our teacher practices at least 2 types of Pranayama or Breathing exercises per class. In this class we did Nadi Shodhana Pranayama which involves single nostril breathing; you breath in through one nostril only for the count of 10 as you close the other nostril. Then you close the open nostril and breathe out through the other nostril to the count of 15. One can then continue this breathing for another 10 times. This form of Pranayama has multiple benefits like harmonising the right and left brain and also harmonising the mind.
The other Pranayama we always practice is our signature Vasudeva Kriya Yoga – which is an Asana, Kriya, and Pranayama all in one. The Pranayama part consists of Breathing through both nostrils but in a disproportionate manner – breathe in to the sound a long Om, and exhale to the sound of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.
As we were doing the Vasudeva Kriya Yoga it hit me today. We breathe out more than we breathe in. If we consciously observe our breathing that is how we naturally breathe. That is also what helps us relax after a strenuous round of sport, exercise or even Yogasanas (as we relax in Shavasana). We inhale short deep breathes and exhale long breathes to relax instantly! Additionally it helps exhale a lot of suppressed impurities from our lungs, soothe our nerves, and maintain our blood pressure. This is the best known way to relax ourselves when we are stressed or nervous. Observe yourself sometimes in the middle of a tense meeting or a busy day, you would have slipped to very shallow or sometimes no breathing. Switch to Pranayama breathing and you will relax instantly.
As this thought lingered in my mind another interesting point hit me. Life is also like this… it expects more output than the input we receive. You are happier and relaxed if you offer more as service to your church (or any religious institution), your family, your friends than what you expect from others. In fact, interestingly even your employer expects more output from you than the salary they pay you.
In fact it is better that way, because if they discover they pay you more than what they get from you then they would probably let you go.
So do take some time off to practice any of these Pranayama / Breathing techniques daily to expel all toxins from your body and life, stay elevated and relaxed!